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羅愛德 (1936-2001)
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Jens-Chr. Sørensen

Jens-Christian Sørensen 中文名石仁生,文化社會學碩士畢業(Mag. art.) 于丹麥哥本哈根大學;後在丹麥哥本哈根工程學院和哥本哈根商學院進修,學習了系統開發、專案管理、規劃方法、資料系統以及商業分析等課程。曾在發展研究中心與 Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke 任職。1990-2003 在北歐亞洲學院主要從事 調查研究與資訊系統開發工作。1992-2002 任 NIASNytt [北歐亞洲時事通訊] 的編輯, 2001-2008 從事本網頁設計與網站管理工作。

Jens-Christian Sørensen, Mag. Art., Cultural Sociology, Copenhagen University; advanced education from Engineering College of Copenhagen and Copenhagen Business College in systems development, project management, planning methods, database systems and business analysis. Previous employment at the Center for Development Research and Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke. He has mainly been occupied in research and information systems development with the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies; 1990-2003. 1992-2002 editor of the Nordic Newsletter of Asian Studies. Designer and webmaster of the present website, developed 2001-2008.