Chinese Storytelling Research Database
The Wu Song Project
Genre definition:     Written genres for performance and reading
shumiande biaoyan diben yu duwuxingde zhonglei
Performance literature
shuochang wenxue
Shandong clappertales
Shandong kuaishu


Jingyang Ridge
Episodes included in this version of the story:

Fighting the Five Tigers Wu Song destroys a group of local despots called the Five Tigers in the Dong Family Temple in Shandong
Flight from home Wu Songs flight from his home town
Staying with Chai Jin Wu Song meets Song Jiang at Chai jin's manor
Travelling home Wu Song travels via Yanggu District on his way back home
The tavern Wu Song rests in a tavern, drinking a strong wine
The warning The innkeeper/waiter warns Wu Song about a tiger on Jingyang Ridge
The inscribed tree An inscription on the trunk of a tree prohibits the crossing because of the tiger
The proclamation The official warning about the tiger, pasted to a temple wall
The rock Wu Song falls asleep on a flat rock along the mountain track
The tiger appears The tiger appears
Breaking the staff Aiming for the tiger with his staff, Wu Song (misses and) breaks it
The fighting The fighting between man and beast
The killing The tiger is killed