Chinese Storytelling Researchdatabase
4 Masters of Chinese Storytelling

Xiyou ji (95)
西遊記 (95)

Journey to the West In one hundred days of storytelling
Performed by Dai Buzhang   (戴步章 )
19-10-2003 Yangzhou (揚州)


1.At daybreak the following day, the Kou family travel to the county court to withdraw their accusation, and the prefect orders the magistrate to release the monks. The head gaoler reports the identity of the pilgrim priest. After the master and his disciples are released, they hurry to the Kou residence and bring Kou Hong back to life. The officials of the prefecture and county, as well as Kou Hong urge the pilgrim monks to stay for three days.


Chinese Storytelling  |  說書  |  Kinesisk Historiefortælling  |  NIASPress  |  Library of Congress |