Chinese Storytelling Researchdatabase
4 Masters of Chinese Storytelling

Xiyou ji (89)
西遊記 (89)

Journey to the West In one hundred days of storytelling
Performed by Dai Buzhang   (戴步章 )
12-10-2003 Yangzhou (揚州)


In the Spread Gold Monastery the master and his disciples hear that the old monk has saved a young girl a year earlier. According to this girl, she is the princess of India. The old monk has inquired about this everywhere during the past year and found no evidence about a princess missing in India. The old monk asks the Tang Priest to keep this case in mind when he enters the city. He also says that these days there is a ball game taking place in the city whereby the princess is going to find a husband. When the master and his disciples enter the city next day, they find this to be the case. They want to take part in the occasion and find out what it is all about.

師徒在布金寺,得知一老僧在年前救了一年輕女子,據該女雲,她是天竺國公主,而老僧在一年中多方打探,天竺國沒有失落公主的資訊。老僧請唐僧進城時關心此事。又說近日城裏還在搞抛彩球、招駙馬。次日師徒進城, 確有此事。師徒要深入現場探聽究竟。

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