Chinese Storytelling Researchdatabase
4 Masters of Chinese Storytelling

Xiyou ji (26)
西遊記 (26)

Journey to the West In one hundred days of storytelling
Performed by Dai Buzhang   (戴步章 )
10-05-2003 Yangzhou (揚州)


Following Friar Sand’s suggestions, Pig asks Dragon King to extinguish the fire. However, ordinary water cannot put out the True Samadhi Fire. So instead Monkey is injured and heavily defeated. Red Boy changes himself into a Bodhisattva and lures Pig into the cave. Monkey, still wounded, makes inquires into what has happened. He changes himself into Bull Demon King and tries to fool Red Boy.


Chinese Storytelling  |  說書  |  Kinesisk Historiefortælling  |  NIASPress  |  Library of Congress |