Chinese Storytelling

Chinese Storytelling

Sagas of Storytelling

Water Margin

  1. Water Margin - Shuihu

  2. Wu Song Fights the Tiger
    - told by Wang Shaotang

  3. Wu Song Fights the Tiger
    - told by Wang Xiaotang

  4. Pan Jinlian and Wu the Elder
    - told by Ren Jitang

  5. Swordplay under the Moon
    - told by Hui Zhaolong



Pan Jinlian and Wu the Elder
told by Ren Jitang

Introduction: During the time when Wu Song has been away from home, his elder brother, Wu the Elder, has married the most beautiful girl in town, Pan Jinlian [Golden Lotus]. She is a highly talented servant girl from a well-off merchant family, while Wu the Elder is a poor and ugly dwarf who earns his living as a street vendor. The following episode tells how this strange marriage came about.

Pan Jinlian and Wu the Elder (Text)

Video: Pan Jinlian and Wu the Elder told by Ren Jitang:
(.mpeg 18.7Mb) (.wmv 5.9Mb)

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