Chinese Storytelling

Chinese Storytelling

Sagas of Storytelling

Water Margin

  1. Water Margin - Shuihu

  2. Wu Song Fights the Tiger
    - told by Wang Shaotang

  3. Wu Song Fights the Tiger
    - told by Wang Xiaotang

  4. Pan Jinlian and Wu the Elder
    - told by Ren Jitang

  5. Swordplay under the Moon
    - told by Hui Zhaolong



Wu Song Fights the Tiger

told by Wang Xiaotang

Introduction: This version of the tiger story, told by Wang Xiaotang in 1992, begins very much in the same way as the previous, told thirty years earlier by Wang Shaotang, his father. Here we bring an extract from the passage where Wu Song meets the tiger on Jingyang Mountain.

Wang Xiaotang Video (wmv 2.3Mb)
Wang Xiaotang Video (mpeg 6.7Mb)
Wang Xiaotang Text